“To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”

-- Sir Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727)

Friday, January 06, 2012

1908: The Tunguska Event

Above: Trees knocked down by the Tunguska explosion.
Credit: the Leonid Kulik Expedition.

June 30, 2008: The year is 1908, and it's just after seven in the morning. A man is sitting on the front porch of a trading post at Vanavara in Siberia. Little does he know, in a few moments, he will be hurled from his chair and the heat will be so intense he will feel as though his shirt is on fire.

That's how the Tunguska event felt 40 miles from ground zero.

Today, June 30, 2008, is the 100th anniversary of that ferocious impact near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in remote Siberia--and after 100 years, scientists are still talking about it.

"If you want to start a conversation with anyone in the asteroid business all you have to say is Tunguska," says Don Yeomans, manager of the Near-Earth Object Office at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. "It is the only entry of a large meteoroid we have in the modern era with first-hand accounts."

While the impact occurred in '08, the first scientific expedition to the area would have to wait for 19 years. In 1921, Leonid Kulik, the chief curator for the meteorite collection of the St. Petersburg museum led an expedition to Tunguska. But the harsh conditions of the Siberian outback thwarted his team's attempt to reach the area of the blast. In 1927, a new expedition, again lead by Kulik, reached its goal.

"At first, the locals were reluctant to tell Kulik about the event," said Yeomans. "They believed the blast was a visitation by the god Ogdy, who had cursed the area by smashing trees and killing animals."

While testimonials may have at first been difficult to obtain, there was plenty of evidence lying around. Eight hundred square miles of remote forest had been ripped asunder. Eighty million trees were on their sides, lying in a radial pattern.

"Those trees acted as markers, pointing directly away from the blast's epicenter," said Yeomans. "Later, when the team arrived at ground zero, they found the trees there standing upright – but their limbs and bark had been stripped away. They looked like a forest of telephone poles."

Such debranching requires fast moving shock waves that break off a tree's branches before the branches can transfer the impact momentum to the tree's stem. Thirty seven years after the Tunguska blast, branchless trees would be found at the site of another massive explosion – Hiroshima, Japan.

Kulik's expeditions (he traveled to Tunguska on three separate occasions) did finally get some of the locals to talk. One was the man based at the Vanara trading post who witnessed the heat blast as he was launched from his chair. His account:

Suddenly in the north sky… the sky was split in two, and high above the forest the whole northern part of the sky appeared covered with fire… At that moment there was a bang in the sky and a mighty crash… The crash was followed by a noise like stones falling from the sky, or of guns firing. The earth trembled.

The massive explosion packed a wallop. The resulting seismic shockwave registered with sensitive barometers as far away as England. Dense clouds formed over the region at high altitudes which reflected sunlight from beyond the horizon. Night skies glowed, and reports came in that people who lived as far away as Asia could read newspapers outdoors as late as midnight. Locally, hundreds of reindeer, the livelihood of local herders, were killed, but there was no direct evidence that any person perished in the blast.


Anonymous said...

That is crazy! I would never want to be in a massive explosion such as this. This just proves that there are billions of things out in space that could hit our planet. We just have to be careful to where we live. But even that will not make us safe, we will never know when anything comes at us from outer space! That is the fun of it though!

Anonymous said...

So...the Tunguska event was a comet? That's amazing! It's a miracle that the people weren't killed. I loved the interview with the man who saw and felt the explosion. It was so descriptive. How large was the comet? It must've been pretty immense for it to have covered, "the whole northern part of the sky" in "fire." Do scientists know how or why it happened? I have one final question. If there was a shockwave as huge as the bombing in Hiroshima, is there or was there ever radiation or is that just from man artificial explosions? All in all I loved the article because I had never heard of Tunguska. It was a very fascinating article.

Anonymous said...

(This is a new comment because I don't know if my other one got through.) I absolutely LOVED the article. It was very fascinating and it showed a part of history that I have never heard of. So Tunguska was a comet that impacted the earth, right? That is so incredible!

Anonymous said...

thats crazy how scientists in England could get data as the meteor hit

Anonymous said...

I thought it was interesting that so few comets have hit earth in human time, and that this one was the first modern and recorded impact. I had thought that asteroids were rather common. Have any asteroids like it hit earth since then?

Anonymous said...

The Tunguska impact seems like a pretty big deal. It's not every day that the Earth is hit with such a large meteor. usually things like that are burned up upon entering Earth's atmosphere and the article stated that it was the only modern impact(no surprise).I can only imagine what was found at the site of impact due to the fact that it is never specifically mentioned.

Anonymous said...

Imagine what would he been the outcome of a Tunguska-like event if it hit any major city. Eight hundred square miles of flattened trees! That could easily wipe out Fairfeld County. I read in a National Geographic article that there's about nine-hundred dear earth objects and that the number of people working on deflecting them could roughly staff two shifts at Mcdonald's. Scary.

GBrandon said...

I wish they had the recourses back then to capture this event on video. Than we could learn from it and be able to predict if an event like this where to occur again. I wonder what the people in other countries thought about this, weather they believed their barometers where going bonkers or something bad was happening. I wonder what it says about Tunguska in Russian history books? It is big for the western hemisphere but it must be a bigger part of history for the eastern hemisphere.