“To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”

-- Sir Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Bendy Balloons


Anonymous said...

Wow that is so cool. I wonder how much time each one of those takes and how he feels after they've all lost their air, how much money and time has gone into a 4 month old sculpture. It is amazing though.

Anonymous said...

i wonder how many balloons are used per sculpture and how large the finished sculpture will be. I think that it is so cool that he has taken a common clown activity to a new level and taken it from awesome to amazing.

Anonymous said...

It's really cool, but in the end, it's just a big waste of money if that is all you do. I wonder why he liked to use bugs, and all of a sudden went to a much more pleasant subject like flowers. Like Emily, I wonder how many balloons it takes to build one of those. I'm not sure why sunlight gives balloons shorter life spans though. This video was really cool, all in all.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how long it will take for all of the balloons to die and deflate. I think it was a very unique idea to make almost a basket-like shape with weaving.

Anonymous said...

I think that balloons are a very clever medium, and wouldn't be able to think up the ways this man used them in. I wonder how quickly the "flower" will deflate, and would like to figure out the mean amount of balloons coming out of it each day from when he first held it up to the sunlight.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many balloons he popped in all his life and how many packs he bought. Moreover, I want to know how many seperate balloons he used. I would love to see balloons at museums. However, young mischievious kids could pop in in their devious ways. I would love to learn how to do that. It is such an amazing talent.

Anonymous said...

I think that was cool how he used those small balloons clowns make for you into life size creations. I think it's cute how his career and ambition for this started when his mom showed him the tricks, having experience from being a clown herself. This really shows how parents could impact on their kids.

Unknown said...

Kyle B
This is crazy, The coolest part about it is the fact that the flower actually wilts and dies from natural causes like sunlight, over time it drops and deflates like a real flower.

Anonymous said...

He must be sad when the helium and all the air get out of the balloon.I never thought of ballons as art. I never thought of them as bugs either.

Anonymous said...

That is pretty i wonder how many balloons hes had pop on him or if he has every had entire finished projects pop as he finished them. Being a balloon artisit looks like fun.

Anonymous said...

I have seen gglass blowers do something similar where they have to blow up their sculptures except they do not deflate. But the facts that he bases his sculptures on insects and flowers makes it much more interesting than one of those poodles or giraffes clowns blow up. One thing I would ask is what kind of air soes he use to blow it up, like helium or something similar to what we breath out that doesn't fly. Also I am really impressed by his patience to blow this all up and weave it together it give me a headache just to tye a knot on a balloon.

Anonymous said...

I have seen something like this with glass blowers and they make similar sculptures too and they also have to blow up their material. But it doesn't deflate like the balloons do. I also think it's really cool that he bases his works off of plants and bugs. It's just so much more interesting than a poodle or a giraffe a clown would blow up. But I wonder what kind of gas he uses to blow up his ballons since it's not helium because they don't fly. Lastly I am impressed on how he has the time and the patiens to blow up the balloons then weave them because I get frustrated by just tieing a knot on a balloon.

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous, the art he is making is amazing, I wish I could create something as cool as the sculptures. It's a bummer that the balloons eventually deflate. I wonder if on day someone could make an invention that stops the air from escaping the balloons. I also wonder if Jason gets tired hearing the balloons pop, because personally I can't stand the sound.

Anonymous said...

This is amazing how he can make insects and animals out of balloons. I wonder when he started actually making objects or animals out of balloons.

Anonymous said...

Wow I wonder if her used helium in the ballons and made a giant floating scolpture.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how long it took to make it; it must have taken a long time. I could not do that because I would get so frustrated because the balloons would pop a lot and then you have to redo what you just did.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's amazing! I wonder; what kinds of art shows are his work in? I really couldn't imagine them in a normal art show, their just so original!

Jackie W said...

That is amazing! I wonder how long it took for him to tie together all of the balloons? Its almost like as the balloon deflates, its similar to the lifespan of a flower!

Anonymous said...

Maybe he will make a sculpture that is actaully anatomically correct like a human cell or a part of another organism. I also wonder if maybe he could get together with scientists to help create a better latex that wont wear out or lose as much air.

Anonymous said...

Waverly H said...
WOW! this is so cool. i I wonder how long it took him to make this and how many balloons it took for him to make it! I wish i could make somehting like this! But...what is it?

Anonymous said...

This is so cool, i really liked it, and i thought it was pretty radd. I thought how he got the ballons to stay was cool too. It must have taken a long time to make, and tireing.

Anonymous said...

i think this is a verry creative and unique form of art it may seem silly but it looks like something that takes alot of patience and comitment

Anonymous said...

How long does it take to build something as amazing as that and how big on average are his sculptures?

Anonymous said...

That looks like alot of hard work, and alot of fun at the same time.I wonder what it is like for the people inside of the balloon suits that he makes. He must have alot of patience because what if a balloon pops in the middle of the piece of art he has to go in and fix it.

Anonymous said...

I think it is really amazing that he can do such creative things with balloons. I never
knew that blowing up balloons could be considered an art. His pieces are so elaborate,
it must take forever to make them considering how small his balloons are and how big
the pieces are that he makes. It was really interesting that he took after his mom who
was a clown who made shapes out of balloons.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing what he can do with something as simple as balloons. I never really thought of balloon sculptures as an actual art until I saw these.

Anonymous said...

That was so cool. I wonder what would happen if one of the ballons popped. Would the whole creation fail? I wonder if he shocks a lot of people or has a lot of bad hair days. Don't ballons have a lot of static electricity.

Anonymous said...

I never thought any one could make somthing so big out of baloons. that is amazing!

Anonymous said...

Wow this is so cool! I never heard of anyone making sculptures or art out of balloons. I was wondering if one balloon pops in the middle of the sculpture does it ruin the whole thing? It must be so hard to see all of the sulptures he works so hard on deflate in the sun. It hope I get to see one in real life one day!

Anonymous said...

This is so cool. It reminds me of when i went to Canada there was this guy at the party we went to and he was a master at balloon animial folding or "scultping" he made me a scuba mask ( to bad i couldn't use it) but he made TONS of thing like this one and i thought it was so cool (he had even made a dress out of the balloons and a motorcycle).

Anonymous said...

Wow that is amazing! I wonder how long it took that guy to make the sculpture? How do the ballons not all pop!

Anonymous said...

This guy has such a cool job. It would be awesome to be a proffesional baollon sculpture-er. His creations are so pretty.

Anonymous said...

WOW! This is amazing! i think that this is so cool! I wish i could make something like this. I wonder how many balloons it took to make this? I also wonder how long it took him to make this? How long with this stay...

Anonymous said...

That is so cool! I wonder how many ballons he has to use for every sculpture.

Anonymous said...

This is really cool. I wonder where in the sculpture he starts building. Also, why did he choose to base his sculptures on bugs?

Ji said...

that seams like something you would normally see in riplys believe it or not books