“To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”

-- Sir Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727)

Monday, November 10, 2008



Anonymous said...

This video was kind of interesting, but I think the speakers were biased since they are so into bugs. It's not such a bad thing that our society fears bugs! It's just, like they said, our culture.

Anonymous said...

I am personally terrified and disgusted by bugs(mosquitoes too!). I agee with Kat that the speakers were biased. How am I sopposed to marvel at the beauty of a gross insect? The video was interesting. I can not beleive that people actually eat those insects on a stick! yucky..

Anonymous said...

Katrina Vassell

I am personally terrified and disgusted by bugs(mosquitoes too!). I agee with Kat that the speakers were biased. How am I sopposed to marvel at the beauty of a gross insect? The video was interesting. I can not beleive that people actually eat those insects on a stick! yucky..

Anonymous said...

I liked the pictors of the bugs, spider, and snakes

Anonymous said...

I liked the pictors of the bugs, spiders, and snakes

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, Kat. I don't like bugs, but that's just because I grew up around people who don't like them. I'm sure that if I had grown up in a family of entomologists (bug scientists) that I would have a larger interest in them and not hate them oh-so-much.

Anonymous said...

I think it is interesting how when you look at something ugly you can just think about it in a different way and then it is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I feel that it is not entirely our fault that people think that bugs are disgusting. I think it is because the lifestyle and routines of a bug is so different from a human being and that kind of wierds us out. And I also thought that it was kind of creepy that people eat bugs. How do they get rid of all the bacteria from all those bugs? And wont they smell when they are being cooked?

Anonymous said...

Another reason I don't think they mentioned about why most of us are disgusted by certain bugs is that on average peolin the West live cleaner lives. So when we see a cockroach walking all over our furniture or spotless floors it jus looks so weird compared to our environment and what we perceive as being "clean"-so we get disgusted and stomp on it.

Anonymous said...

matt f
I think that most people hate spiders and other bugs like those because they hate when they crawl all over you.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was cool how we automatically think of fear and discust as the same thing without thinking. I never really thought about the subject but now that i do think about it, they do seam very different

Anonymous said...

I dont have much of a problem with bugs when they are around me, but when I see the close-up pictures of them I get grossed out as they said in the video. I think this is because bugs dont follow the same basics when it comes to structural make-up as mamals do. To me they seem sort of like aliens which is part of what scares me.