“To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”

-- Sir Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727)

Friday, February 08, 2013

Did you see the movie Madagascar? Well, the FOSSA is a real animal.

Pronounced "FOO-SA".  Here is a picture of it:

Cryptoprocta ferox

And here is a little bit about the Fossa, from It's Nature--Let's Discover!

Fossa is a very rare predatory mammal, found only on the island of Madagascar off the shore of Africa. These carnivores are closely related to Mongeese and in appearance they resemble a cross between a Puma and a dog, and their size of up to 6 feet (1.8 meters) make them the largest predatory mammal in Madagascar.

The Fossa inhabit forests and they’re equipped with sharp claws and a long tail to maneuver along the branches of trees, looking for prey. Typical for predators, their brown-ish fur blends with the surroundings. It’s the top predator on the island of Madagascar, hunting both day and night.

These agile creatures are solitary animals, bent on hunting everything that moves – from a mouse to a lemur. Their diet consists of any animal they can hunt, be it a reptile, a bird or a small monkey. Their agility is praised by many scientists who were keen on observing this animal, as it moves so swiftly through the trees, that it’s hard to follow it or even take a picture.

Read more: http://www.itsnature.org/endangered/critically/fossa-2/#ixzz0ytyOgmGw


KH7 said...

wow that thing has big ears!!!

JLF per 7 said...


KC7 said...

very cool.

AT2 said...

Woah!! I loved Madagascar! I didnt know that the Fossa was an actual animal,I thought that they made it up for the movie.

WB8 said...

That thing looks like some sort of a giant mouse....