“To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”

-- Sir Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727)

Friday, February 08, 2013

is that your FINAL answer???

Giant Panda People

I find this story touching, yet hilarious.

From Time.com: Female giant pandas are notorious for not breeding easily, only ovulating once a year, in the Spring, and for only two to three days during this time. Other than that, they show little interest in mating. Part of the reserve's mission includes placing the pandas it has bred back into the wild. Because previous attempts to reintroduce captive pandas into the wild have been largely unsuccessful, the researchers have developed the novel technique of dressing as the animals to acclimate them to the wild.

See the rest of the story and photos here.

I'm just going to wait out the storm in my tiny house...

My friend built this awesome tree house for his kids.  It has a pulley to hoist stuff up to it (like Oreos and their Kindle).  I could so hunker down in this tiny house.


It is modeled after their real house, which you can see in the background here.

Ocean Facts!

Freaky frilled dude

This is a frilled shark. Frilled sharks are found throughout deep waters in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It is sometimes described as a "living fossil" because it resembles extinct Paleozoic sharks.

Frilled sharks are rarely seen alive because they prefer deep water. A dying one was captured near the surface in Japan in 2007; see video of it here:

Science is full of patterns.

Views of other planets if they were as close as the moon is to us.



Giant African land snails can get pretty huge. They're native to Africa and are routinely confiscated at airports as they are very popular as pets in the Western world. There is an invasive population of these snails spreading in Coral Gables, Florida.

Did you see the movie Madagascar? Well, the FOSSA is a real animal.

Pronounced "FOO-SA".  Here is a picture of it:

Cryptoprocta ferox

And here is a little bit about the Fossa, from It's Nature--Let's Discover!

Fossa is a very rare predatory mammal, found only on the island of Madagascar off the shore of Africa. These carnivores are closely related to Mongeese and in appearance they resemble a cross between a Puma and a dog, and their size of up to 6 feet (1.8 meters) make them the largest predatory mammal in Madagascar.

The Fossa inhabit forests and they’re equipped with sharp claws and a long tail to maneuver along the branches of trees, looking for prey. Typical for predators, their brown-ish fur blends with the surroundings. It’s the top predator on the island of Madagascar, hunting both day and night.

These agile creatures are solitary animals, bent on hunting everything that moves – from a mouse to a lemur. Their diet consists of any animal they can hunt, be it a reptile, a bird or a small monkey. Their agility is praised by many scientists who were keen on observing this animal, as it moves so swiftly through the trees, that it’s hard to follow it or even take a picture.

Read more: http://www.itsnature.org/endangered/critically/fossa-2/#ixzz0ytyOgmGw

I have the power!

Dear Mr. (or Ms.) Petersen,

Thank you for contacting BrainPOP!

In your message, you mentioned an error in our “Force” quiz. I checked it out, and you were correct!

I have changed question #4 so that it now reads “m/s/s” instead of “m/s.” The updated quiz should appear on the site as soon as our server updates itself. This usually occurs every few days, so the corrected quiz should appear online by the beginning of next week.

Thank you for bringing this error to our attention. If you have any further questions, comments, or concerns, please let us know.

Brian Levinson