“To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”

-- Sir Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727)

Friday, October 07, 2011

Wow, look at these.

The moon's shadow darkens part of Earth during a solar eclipse. Only people underneath the center of that dark spot will see the total eclipse; others will see a partial eclipse. This shot was taken from the Mir space station in August 1999.
Photograph courtesy Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales

The moon's lunar highlands (light areas) and maria, or volcanic plains, (dark areas) are clearly visible in this photograph taken by the Expedition 10 crew onboard the International Space Station.
Photograph courtesy NASA

These pictures are from National Geographic Photography.


Anonymous said...

It is ineresting to see the moons shadow on the earht during a solar eclips.

Anonymous said...


Wow, it is amazing how the shadow is localized to that one specific area. If you just look at the outer space in the picture, there is no way to tell that a lunar eclipse is occuring. There is no kind of shadow trail leading to the moon, or any other sign that a lunar eclipse is occuring.

Anonymous said...

I think that it is very cool to see the moon's shadow on the Earth. I wonder if you could see it from a plane that is outside of the umbra, but is heading towards it.

Anonymous said...

These pictures really put everything in perspective for me. I knew that the moon was "small" and the Earth was "big", but this helped my out a lot with that concept, definitely more than any amount of numbers could. I wonder how many times during a solar eclipse the moon's umbra falls on the land versus the sea...

Anonymous said...

That's so cool. I would really like to experience being right under that shadow. That's now on my list of things to do before I die.

Anonymous said...

My opinion is that is strange to see the shadow on Earth. It is interesting how it is such a difference in light. I wonder how that looks for people that actually see it from space.

Anonymous said...


Would you be able to see that from far away? Is that what it looks like when there is a luner eclipse? If there was a meteor big enough, could you have a small shadow for just one person? So many questions.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting to see how small the umbra actually is and that a very minimal part of the earth can see a solar eclipse.

Anonymous said...

I think that it is really cool that you can see the moon's shadow on Earth. I can really understand that only a limited amount of people can see a solar eclipse. I wonder if you would know that you are in a solar eclipse if you were just looking from your house.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I have never seen a picture of the moons shadow hitting earth. It must have been an amazing experience for the people in the shadow's umbra. If you are in the shadow's umbra can you see anything else in space, like star?

Anonymous said...

This picture is really interseting in many ways. Such as it make to the earth look side ways and make the moon look so small

Anonymous said...

This picture is one of my favorites. I like how close it makes the earth look to the moon and how small the moon looks compared to the earth.

Anonymous said...

Wow, The earth looks so close to the moon and that shows how big the earth is to the moon. its soo big that it can't fit the whole earth in the picture.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I have never seen a picture of the moons shadow hitting earth. It must have been an amazing experience for the people in the shadow's umbra. If you are in the shadow's umbra can you see anything else in space, like star?

Anonymous said...

This is amazing that you can see the moons shadows from earth. If you were on the moon can you see the shadows that were cast opon the earth?

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is really cool. I wonder what it would look like if you drove out of the penumbra and into the umbra, would it be a sudden flash of light that susstaines itself?

Anonymous said...

This picture is pretty cool. It made me realize just how big the moon is. I now know how big the moon's umbra and penumbra is. I am also wondering what continent the shadow is in.

Anonymous said...

I think it's really cool how you can see the light coming from Earth reflecting on the moon.

Anonymous said...

i thought it was fasinating to see the darkest part of the umbra and to see the small area that the eclipse covers

Anonymous said...

I think its interesting how little of the earth really is in the moon's umbra and can see a total solar eclipse. Can you see the moon's shadow on earth from anywhere in space?

MO'Boyle said...

This is a really cool picture... I really want to experience an eclipse! It would be awesome to see the moon's shadow casted on the earth in person too.

CGranath said...

At first, I thought it was a black hole! I didn't know that only a part of the earth was covered by that shadow and that only they could see it. I thought everyone in the world could see it! I think the picture looks really cool, too!

KKarczewski said...

Wow, the first picture looks like a big black hole over Earth. But in reality, its really just the moons shadow.